Tourism Culture/Historical Remains Goryung Sin's Dobigun

Goryung Sin's Dobigun

Goryung Sin's Dobigun

Goryung Sin's Dobigun

Goryung Sin's Dobigun
Era Location Administrator
Number 10 Monument for
Goryeong Sin family
1986.4.28. Sukjong,
Joseon Dynasty
San 65,
Shin family

These are monuments dedicated to these figures from the family of Goryeong Sin including Sin Yonggae, Sin Bal, Sin Ryang and Sin Iksang who were grand sons of well known states man Sin, Sukju.

Sin Yonggae, a grandson of Sin Sukju, was appointed to Juauijeong (a vice prime minister) during the period of King Sejo. Sin Bal, recommended as filial son of the great grandson of Sin Yonggae, was appointed to Dongji Jungchu Busa. Sin Ryang passed Samasi (an examination for elementary scholars) and served as Civil officers during the period of King Hyojong. Shin Iksang passed Civil Service Examination in the 2nd year of Hyeonjong and after serving as Daesaheon (the chief prosecutor), was successively appointed to the posts of Gongjo, Panseo and Uijeong (a vice primer minister) in the 20th year of Sukjong.

This monyment was originally in Namyangju but moved to here from Goryeong Shin clan´s mountain (a mountain where a clan´s graveyard is located)