Tourism Culture/Historical Remains JaJae Temple

JaJae Temple

JaJae Temple

JaJae Temple

JaJae Temple
Era Location Administrator
Number 8 Jajaeam 1986.4.28. The reign of
Queen of Silla,
14 years (645)
Sangbongam-dong The head priest of
a Buddhist temple

Designated as public treasure No. 1211 on Oct. 17, 1994 and preserved at JaJae Temple in Soyosan(Mt.), this literature is an edited Korean version from the Scripture of Banyasim translated by Hyeonjang of Tang dynasty with an attachment of complimentary comment by Junghee of Song dynasty.

Together with the Scripture of Gumgang attached at the head of the book, this scripture of Banyasim was edited and translated by the Gangyeongdogam (a Buddhist literature publishing institute during Josun dynasty) in 1464.

Unlike the same version preserved in Seoul National University (public treasure No. 771), this version is attached with an additional note and the editor's seal and has been preserved in better state than the latter. We believe that this literature may have come out of a Buddhist statue from the fact that it has no cover was present.